Very nice Zelda spoof.Probly the best one.
Very nice Zelda spoof.Probly the best one.
Final Grade
Great Work!This was an excellent idea for a movie.The bosses and characters were much like the game.Instead of subtitles there could have been voice overs though.Good movie,it's now second on my favorite list.
Mortal Kombat and WWE in the same Flash?They made it even better when they added Undertaker to play the role.Very funny.There should be more cross-over spoofs like this!
Great Movie!I love everone of the parodies for the fatalities.It was a great idea.They could have done something better with Sub-zeros though.Very nice work!
Another gret movie from the Decline people!You guys are awesome!The parodies are halarious!nd the animation is gettting better.Just keep coming with those movies!
These guys are great!I can't wait until they make another movie.This was kind of a short for people who couldn't wait for D3 though.Its still cool though.
Decline of....stuff
I love this series!There are tons of cameos for videogames!And It's all evened out,so don't freak out when they make fun of your favorite game title!Overal,the perfect movie.
The Ultimate shodown is like one of the best musical movies I've ever seen!It has almost ever character from everything!Its a funny movie with a tweaked ending that I kind of predicted.
Please PM me If you see something in the Portal you think should be removed, or if you have any questions why your movie/game was removed from the Portal.
Graduated! :D
Candyland, CA
Joined on 2/3/06